Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday of...Fun?

My 1 1/2 year old can be a tad....sensitive...  Saying that, let me enlighten you with this Friday evening's events.  And why he will need therapy for the REST of his life.

We live about 1 hour away from Stillwater, my hometown.  We packed up and drove 'home' today and needless to say, Turtle was excited.  We have been snowed in, sick, and not out and about as we normally have been.  Also, Turtle is obsessed with busses.  I say that.  Every time the boy sees one in the road, he screams so loud it's painful.  And you swerve your car because you think you have hit a dog.  It's that loud.  And he is that excited.

So.  We are on the turnpike to Stillwater.  Schools are dismissed for the weekend.  And the highway is unusually full of busses.  So we almost ran off the road 743984 times.  In ten minutes.  Lord help us, I was extremely hard of hearing by the time we took the Stillwater exit.  I have never really gotten into the song "Jesus Take the Wheel" until today at 3:30 pm.

No nap.  Hyped up on busses.  We head to Chick Fil A for dinner.  After heartily stuffing his precious, chubby face with waffle fries, my parents and I head for the children's jungle gym equipment for the littles to play.  Turtle climbs all the way to the top, then realizes Mommy is no where to be seen.  And panics.  Friends, I wore a SKIRT to work today and I never stopped to change into appropriate Mommy Yoga Pants attire.  There was not a chance in the world that I was climbing up there to rescue the sobbing mess that is my toddler.  Luckily, Bee was on hyper drive (a.k.a. normal mode) so I convinced her to go 'fetch Bubba' and help him down.  We promptly went to Grandmother and Grandpa's house.

I feel the need to pre-cursor you with this tidbit:  my parents are the sweetest, most over zealous people ever.  So when they realized they had a whirlpool bathtub with fancy jets, they jumped on the opportunity to let my children try it out.  Turtle was stripped and dumped in a tub of hot, foamy bubbles and was completely out of his comfort zone.  Normally he waits to see sissy's reaction to new things before he decides to freak out.  NOT TODAY!

Before he even has a chance to drop his bottom into the water, my father excitedly pushes the jet ON button and away we go!  I have never seen two children scream so loudly and panic so fast.  And I had to literally cross my legs so I wouldn't pee all over myself.  It. Was. Amazing.

After figuring out how to turn the jet OFF button, we were all soaked and I was still laughing.  Turtle crawled out of the tub faster than a lobster in a pot, waiting for warm jammies and bed.  But Granddaddy was not done with his day of disaster fun.

He found this balloon helicopter toy at WalMart...

You blow up the balloon and attach it to the propellers for it to fly away.  Hysterical fun.  Unless you are Turtle.

Pre-cursor #2:  We recently discovered he is absolutely terrified of gum chewing and bubble blowing (I still have no idea why??)

Sooo, when Grandaddy began to blow up the 'bubble' he all but messed his new clean jammies.  Then Granddaddy let the toy go to fly.  And it was catastrophic.  Screaming.  Flailing.  Pathetic giving up on everything and heading for the hills.

I scooped him up, I had been laughing so hard my sides hurt, and we tried to read a few books to calm down before attempting sleep.  He seemed alright.

We headed off to our sleep over beds!  You would think I was trying to pierce his ears!  Even playing Enya didn't soothe the poor babe.  I finally grabbed Bee's baby doll....and he held on for dear life and fell right to sleep.....

How was your Friday evening?
XOXO Summer

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