Friday, January 24, 2014

Sweet Baby Turtle

I sat there and I watched you
I heard you breathing deep

There is just nothing more soothing
 Than listening to you sleep

I prayed over you and wept
How much I hope God heard

All the wishes and the dreams I have
For you my son, my world

The image of your Daddy
A heart made of pure gold

Your smile melts away a bad day
Into my arms you fold

I dread the day you are too cool
To say 'I love you, Mom'

I cherish every memory
As I sing you your favorite song

Please don't forget when you grow up
Your Mommy loved you first

So when a girl snatches you up
Remember this last verse

The first heart beat you ever heard was mine
Inside of me

Your first home and your first love,
Your mommy I'll always be

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