Sick days. In the real world, most people cling to them when they cannot get out of bed like a fat kid eating the last chocolate donut.
Ironically, I took a sick day today. But I was out of school due to MLK Day. Mommy duty still calls. (All of you stay at home mommies out there-- I can hear you raising your coffee cup up in the air, saluting and agreeing with me!) So who does a mommy call in sick to? I chose the hamster. He seemed not amused. Probably because Bee was cramming her second poptart of the day into his cage and he was huddled in the corner of his cage, terrified. No one cares when Mommy is sick. Time does not stop. Children still have to be fed. Clothes washed. Diapers changed. Trying to explain "Mommy does not feel good" to a 2 1/2 and a 1 1/2 yr old was something I gave up quickly this morning...
Shuffling into the kitchen to see what I can shove in their angelic faces to keep them quiet for a moment while I gather my bearings this morning was daunting. All I heard Turtle scream was 'POP TART!'. So that's what he got. Bee could not make up her blasted mind and ended up with 1/2 a can of peaches, 1/2 a pop tart, and a slice of cheese-- who IS this kid?!
The children, sensing my weakness, preyed on the fact that I moved slower than normal. All day. Would you like an example? I knew you would! I took a 1 1/2 minute potty break. When I walked back into the once freshly mopped kitchen from this weekend, I stop and stare bleakly at Bee making snow out of the Bisquick she discovered in the fridge. Turtle is doing his best to roll around and make 'biscuit angels'. And the dog just lays there and watches. I swear to you, I could hear Elmo snicker at me from the window outside.
Bee refused to nap this morning, Turtle gave in. I tried to relax for a bit on the couch-- I barricaded Bee in her room so I could rest. She escaped and retaliated...ten minutes into my laying down I found myself cleaning up the 'tinkle deposit' on Husby's side of the bedroom floor.
Turtle, once awake, drank out of the toilet....don't ask me how he managed. Just know rinsing out a toddler's mouth is near impossible.
Bestie Aide was an angel and brought me supplies for lunch! It was a much needed break from the monotony of telling two littles "NO!".
Once I attempted a load of laundry, I headed to our bedroom laundry basket to retrieve dirty clothes. I had just started the dryer. I come back to find every. single. wet. thing. out of the dryer and scattered across the laundry area's floor. And Turtle decided he needed to dry himself so he climbed into the dryer! A prompt spanking and Mommy flip out occurred. About this time I am wondering what life would be like as a stay at home mom all the time. And I shudder.
God blessed me with a good Husby and when he came home he helped me wrangle the kiddos and we sat down to a surprisingly easy, delish dinner and he even bathed the kids.
As I am typing this, I am decked out in my third Breathe Right nasal strip of the day and faithful Smelly Cat by my side. Hopefully I will get to go to school tomorrow and relax. Ha!
How was your Monday?
XOXO Summer