Monday, August 19, 2013

Snail's Tail

True story, ya'll.  A 4 year old pulled a snail out of his knee.  When I read this article this afternoon, I about passed out.  There are so many questions!

Here's the article:

First off, I must say, I'm proud of the kid for not panicking.  Had I pulled a shelled animal (insect?) out of any body part let it be known I would just curl up and die.  In my own pool of vomit.

Second of all, these people kept the snail.  And named it.  Turbo.  I don't know if I should be shocked or amazed.

And lastly, they said they put antibiotic ointment on his 'scrape' when the kid got hurt.  At what point did the 'antibiotic' ointment STOP working?!  Was it expired?!  I thought that stupid petroleum like jelly goo was supposed to PREVENT infections.  And small animals from creeping into body orifices.  Including wound orifices.  Clearly next time I am injured I shall just let the wound fester and see what crazy animal I can grow?  You with me?

Clearly paranoid and freaked,
XOXO Summer

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