Friday, August 30, 2013

Mile High Club

On my list of terrifying things in my life, flying on a plane is number one. Flying alone isn't even on that list because its in a twisted category all of its own. 

So here I sit in the Tulsa Airport. Waiting to board a plane. Alone. OMG. 

I'm flying to NM to see my family and attend my sweet cousin's wedding. I thought I was a 'big girl' and could do this. Until today. 

My endearing father tells me on the phone this morning: you've had two babies. That's scary and you did it. 

Dearest Daddy. Let me explain something to you. I was NUMB, drugged, and I had Dr. Ross there to tell me what to do. I'm 200% sure he isn't going to hold my hand on the plane all the way to Albuquerque. 

My list grows as I sit. What if I get lost in DFW and miss my connecting flight?

What if I get mugged?

If I have to potty, will the airplane toilet suck me in?!

What if I have an upset stomach. And there's turbulence. And I can't leave my seat.  

What if they don't feed me on the plane? Or they pass out peanuts instead of pretzels?!

What if I am next to a stinky fat guy who has never showered and attempts to talk to me with garlic breath. I. Will. Die. 

2 diet cokes, a lorazepam, and chocolate muffin later I sit at Gate 27 awaiting my fate. Then I turn around. Holy mother of all that is fuzzy. 

What if I get stuck sitting next to the crazy cat lady???

God bless America. 
XOXO Summer

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