Did I mention it was also Red Ribbon Week, so my FAVORITE all time day ever was jammie day. I live for that day, people. The name "jammie day" explains itself. Hallelujah.
I hope you enjoy our creations:
Glue Ghosts!
- Kiddos pour globs of white (Elmer's) glue on parchment paper, hold up paper so glue 'slides' down to resemble ghost.
- Sprinkle on glitter, press in googly eyes. Let dry for 24 hours. Wa-lah!
Itsy Bitsy Spiders (Haunted Houses)
- These are so neat because they 1. teach the nursery rhyme, 2. excite the kiddos 3. small form of small motor skill
- 1. color and cut out Haunted House
- 2. Staple bottom of plastic straw to one side (it's a 'drain pipe') on the house
- 3. Slip on spider ring through the straw (available at Walmart for cheeeeeap in Halloween aisles)
- 4. Staple other end of straw to secure ring.
- 5. Kiddos can sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider Song and act it out with the houses!
We displayed these outside my room. (Once completed, this one was 'Darth Vader'.) I LOVE how imaginative they are!!
Rotating this wasn't an option...stupid computer...anyways. It is a simple counting spider book, you could make it in five minutes using Word and spider clip art. We wrote the numbers in during small group math time, put the books together as a class, and read them as a class. Their 'homework' was to read them to their parents. :)
That's all I have for now, I forgot to take pictures of some of the things we did, and good ol' (roll eyes) Scott Foresman sure did take up most of our time this week. Happy Halloween ya'll! If you want copies of any of these things, let me know and I can email you them! :)
Wondering when Scott Foresman will be fun,
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