A woman so amazing is not easily forgotten...
Then once our family gets together and starts talking, we realize she is still in our lives. When I had Rylie, I heard her voice in my ear encouraging me through the final intense pushes. When my sister was cooking one day, she knew my Grandmother was in her kitchen smiling at her attempt to create something (Sarah isn't the most domestic sister...bless her heart). One time, my father heard her talking to him and it woke him up out of a deep sleep (trust me, when he sleeps he is OUT-- not even his loud snoring phases him! Ha!)
Then there was the time Rylie was so constipated and sick I was afraid we were going to have to go to the hospital. I prayed and prayed to God, dealing with my poor baby screaming in pain for hours with my Aunt Sharla. (We were visiting my parents). We tried everything to help her. Giving up, we both asked Grandmother to comfort her and to help her poop. Not ten seconds later, Rylie was calm and quiet. Her screaming stopped and she sighed. We could feel my Grandmother was with us and she had helped Rylie. (And I had one GIANT poopy diaper to clean!)
Then this happened...
This past Friday, my cousin was driving home on a road he was not familiar with and accidentally ran a red light. He hit someone and totalled his car. When the police showed up, they expected the accident to be a fatality...When they were looking for my cousins' licence and insurance documents on the road (they had been 'smashed' from the car), they found them on the side of the street. Next to the papers there was a picture of my Grandmother he had put in his car a long time ago. My cousin walked away from the accident without a scratch. (The other driver was also ok, praise Jesus!) My Grandmother, a woman who never had a driver's licence or driving experience, was Cousin's saving grace.
When my Momma called me today and told me what had happened, the power of his story brought me to my knees. It shook me to the core. It made me realize there is so much of life and God that we do not understand, but if we trust him and put our faith and heart in him, just like my Grandmother did, then we will be alright. He will take care of us and help us, just like his angels do. Just like my Grandmother.
I love you, Grandmother. (And yes, I promise to stop swearing and being so judgemental). :)
Humbled beyond words,
My first post ever, and tribute to my Grandmother
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