These past few days have been cray-zay! Here's what the Bass Bunch has been up to:
My parents came up to visit (they live in Stillwater, about an hour away from Tulsa) for a shopping day with the grandbabies.
Striking a pose at Chili's with Grandmother
Getting rid of gas!
I had to do some finishing touches on Rylie's First Birthday presents and make sure I have everything bought and wrapped for Zach's sister's baby shower this Saturday.
My super amazing friend I went to college with flew up from Houston, TX to visit us. We have been busy busy playing hard and having fun!
Rylie has been so exhausted these past few days that she finally
FINALLY FINALLY fell fast asleep in her big girl bed all by herself without us hovering, petting, singing, or just letting her cry it out (complete torture for everyone involved...). She has had a big week of firsts..
Successfully switching from formula to cows' milk (with a hint of almond milk to coax her into drinking it)
(Sharing her sippy cup with buddy, Isaac)
Ordering her own meal off a menu instead of sharing with mommy (think not fried kid's menu or healthy sides)

(Waiting on her first kids meal to arrive!)
Big girl bubble baths...not splashing around in a measly 3 inches of water...
- BIG girl bed! (I wish we had taken a picture of her before we turned off the light....)
Sometimes it's just completely overwhelming how blessed I am! I swear I feel my Sweet Grandmother sitting on my shoulder smiling and whispering how proud she is of her great-grandchildren. It's humbling...
Sweet dreams!
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