Here's the Bee Birthday Blog Edition!

We felt very humbled, loved and blessed.
Her party was cupcake themed...

I even found marshmallows in the shape of frosted cupcakes...They were delish! They were in the baking aisle of Walmart next to choc. chips...and they were only a dollar a bag! I cut some in half and put them on some of the cupcakes... To make Bee's cake, I used to heart shaped mini cake pans and just frosted it with the strawberry cream cheese icing. YUMMY! She devoured it! 

The worst part about turning one? Shots...The next Tuesday she had 3 big doozies in her poor little legs! How did Mommy make it better? We found a Pumpkin Purse!

We have hit two more milestones..well maybe three...
1. NO paccy!
2. Drinking solely out of a sippy cup.
3. Napping and sleeping all night in her new bed! (I'd better hurry up and finish brother's bedding so it matches his OU room!)
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