Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Have you had your V8 today?

True (scary) story:

I haven't been able to drink as much Diet Coke as I normally do-- come to find out I was actually drinking SO MUCH of it, the caffiene in the beverage was prohibiting my body from naturally absorbing iron I was eating in my diet...

I kept getting nauseous and tired all the time.  I never had an appetite.  I felt...gross.  I researched a lot and come to find out I was either a). pregnant or b). iron deficient.  That freaked me out....several tests of sorts later, I was relieved to find out b was the answer!

I cut caffiene totally out of my diet for a month and after two weeks of grueling headaches and exhaustion, I feel so much better!

A dear friend I teach with recommended that I try these.  They are LOVELY!  And for my WW friends, they are only UNO POINT!  1 PPV!  Isn't that fantastico? 

The caffiene in these sweet cans of happiness comes from natural green tea and has just 10 mg short of the same amount of caffiene as an 8 oz cup of coffee.  That's a LOT.  And it works!  

The best part is that I don't feel yucky gross and it has 100% of my daily vitamin C in it.  And as always, thank you V8, there is '1 Combined Serving of Vegetables and Fruit'.  YES!

There are several flavors, Peach Mango is the only one I have tried so far but I am told Blueberry Pomegrante is divine as well.  I found these gems at Wal-Mart in the soda/water/gatorade aisle by the rest of the V8 stuff.

Have you had your V8 today?
XOXO Summer

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