The past year has been a whirlwind of....well...madness. I finally packed up my 'teaching trunk' for good and I'm a better person for it. It was hard to say goodbye but the future is BRIGHT, ya'll. Let me tell you!
I'm still a Realtor for an ah-mazing real estate company local to Tulsa. Real estate is like a roller coaster. You love it and there's parts that make you go WHEEEE! and parts that make you turn green. Mostly WHEEEE's though... It also keeps me out of driving a minivan because let's be honest, I'm not about that life.
If you had told me I'd find an amazing job which I LOVED in payroll and HR that I'm decently good at I'd laugh at you. So I guess I'm laughing. One of my dearest friends from high school (how was that SIXTEEN years ago?! OY!) got me talking to the right people and now I'm surrounded by happiness, laughs, payroll and a job where I can snuggle Elmo -- yes he's still alive by the literal Grace of God-- every. day. I'm telling ya'll, life is GOOD.
Elmo is still around. He turns 18 in February. He is on thyroid medicine and has a nasty, gross tumor under his chin but he's still eating and going potty outside so he's still kickin. The newest change for him is that he loves his pet taxi we bought him. It's like his play fort. Turns out we shoulda bought him one years ago. Who knew? Every night after he eats he jumps up over Ruger's crate and climbs 'in bed'. Bless him.
Our Bass Babes are doing well. They are both in 2nd grade and in the same. class. (Yup, I'm THAT mom this year but don't worry, their teacher is pretty much amazing and perfect and patient and has a sense of humor so we're blessed). Bee has struggled this year more than I've liked and it's a hard pill to swallow. Sometimes a mama has to watch her baby bird fail a few times for them to learn and oh my lanta it's GUT WRENCHING. Turtle is adjusting well but this poor boy needs to branch out socially! He is so shy just like his daddy!
I'm still cooking and eating and doing all the things in the kitchen. One struggle I have experienced this year is having my right thyroid removed and dealing with (minor) weight gain since my VSG in 2017. I'm blessed to be able to not have to take any thyroid medication and I am still looking good but I know I can't eat graham crackers and icing as a snack anymore- HA!
I have lots of new ideas and themes and things to write about! I can't wait to share it with yall! PLEASE PLEASE let me know if you want me to share anything?
Husby made dinner and I'm taking COMPLETE advantage of the fact. He's been on a roll lately.
Bee is screaming in the hallway because her younger brother DROPPED her in the hallway from a botched piggy back ride. Can I hide in the bathroom?!
peace. love. i hate daylight savings.
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