Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday Five

Y'all! It's been soooo long! This is a 'beauty edition' so if makeup isn't your thing I won't shed a tear at you waiting for the next post. 

1.  Arbonne makeup primer. Oh-Em-Gee. It makes your face feel super smooth and fills in those scary facial lines I don't have the guts to Botox out. Yet.  (Ordered from Arbonne, my best friend sells it. Link:

2.  The SPF in this is legit. Husby took us to an Air Show last weekend and I slathered my face in it. Ironically I didn't get it right up to my hair line and I burned on the top 1/4" of my forehead. But everywhere else is golden tan.  (Walmart special right there). 

3.  Stila  Stay All Day foundation has changed my life! I have super oily skin and this is the right amount of coverage without feeling gross. Also if I need MORE coverage I have found I can do several layers if you will.....I feel like I'm blogging about icing. 😂 (Thank you to the sweet makeup guru at Ulta for helping me find my shade!)


4.  Maybelline Color Tattoo Metal 24 hr Eyeshadow lasts all. day. I have two colors and I can blend them into a custom shade and it glides on with my finger. Once I apply it the cream sets in a matter of seconds. It's awesome!  (Both purchased at the Walmarts)

5.  It's a long story but I had a full blown sew in weave earlier this year. My stylist recommended this spray for my 'hair'. I found it in the ethnic section of a beauty supply store and I don't know if you can get it at Walmart but Amazon sells it. This stuff works wonders! I have my own natural hair now and I still use it every day. Prepare yourself. Your hair won't move a bit when it sets. I use it daily in Bee's hair and it stands up to most crazy active school days. Best part? It washes out with one shampoo. Can I get an amen?

It's Memorial Day weekend! I'll be showing houses all weekend and trying not to melt in this god forsaken Oklahoma heat. What are your plans?


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