It's two days til my surgery and unbeknownst to me, a shadow has been looming over me. Today it made its' grand appearance. In my shower.
I kept telling myself in these past few days that "I've had surgery before and everything has been fine. Doctors are smarter than me and they know what they're doing. I didn't freak out like this when I had my gall bladder taken out (come to find out there's waaaaaaaay more to that surgery than my vsg!) so why freak out now?!" All that positive self talk jazz.
Tonight I kissed my children goodnight for the last time for (at least ) 4 days and went to my hot, waiting shower. And I fell apart. I cried and I cried and I cried and I sobbed and I prayed and I prayed and I prayed.
Then my entire life in this house all made sense. It was less than 6 years ago I found God again and he made my world right side up. And in this shower I have prayed my hardest I have ever prayed for anything-- just me, God and hot water washing away tears. Tears for.... Lost jobs. Lost babies. Lost (almost) marriages. Finding God. Answered prayers. Losing Caddy. Unexpected blessings. Happy surprises. Saved marriages. Pitiful medical diagnosis. Promising solutions...This shower is my prayer room. In this steamy, wet rectangle of tile I have poured my heart and soul out into prayer over and over until my lips knew every syllable of every word of what I begged God for. And he answered every. single. one. Sometimes not exactly as I had planned but such is life. This is God's road map. We are just the exit signs. Sometimes there's detours.
In this shower tonight I was so so so scared that something would happen to me during my surgery and recovery. Turtle clung to me for dear life when I kissed him and sang him his bedtime song. Bee asked me if I didn't come back who would take her to school in August or sing her 'angels'. OH. MY. GOSH. That is heavy stuff. And in that shower I prayed NOT that God would get me through this week, but that he would take care of the hearts of my sweet, innocent children should something go south.
A wave of emotion washed over me again and I about drowned on tears and water drops, realizing 6 short years ago my grandmother left us to be with Jesus and I was NOT prepared for it. I was filled with warmth and I knew she was with me. Was she telling me I was going to be ok? Are the kids going to be ok? "WHAT IS GOING TO BE OK?" I cried through the soap and shampoo. Grandmother always told me Doughty women are strong. She's right. That's all the confirmation I needed that everything is going to work out. God will provide for us the best way he knows how to and no matter what storm comes HE will get us through. She loved and lost so much in her life and yet she died with a smile on her face. I can only pray the Good Lord grants me that same grace.
I sat there in the shower repeating prayer after prayer, God slowly lifting the nasty fog free from my face and allowing me to see rationally. As I toweled off I felt 400% better knowing God had heard me. Thank God for that shower!
As I was getting dressed I could only imagine what 'Come to Jesus' meeting I'll have next in my prayer room but I know no matter what the Father Above has my back!
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not me dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you wiht my righteous right hand.
Where is your prayer room?
XOXO Summer
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017
Long sleeves and skinned knees
If y'all know me personally you would know my struggle with my weight has been in existence since I was. Oh. Eight. And I'm 5'0. Being fun sized has its' perks. And its' pits. Right now I'm dealing with the latter.
The highlight of my year was LOSING 65% of my hair and being diagnosed with PCOS. (Google it. I'm not explaining that hot mess ....). That was when I had had enough. Enough weight watchers points. Enough cussing at my scale like it's the scales' fault I've ballooned. Tired of being embarrassed to be seen in public next to a healthy, fit husband. I've dusted the proverbial sh*t off my pants and have chosen to rise above feeling sorry for myself. Skinned knees and hurt fat feelings no more!
Enter 'vertical SLEEVE gastrectomy'. It sounds weird. But it's genius. I have had the blessing of supportive family, friends, and health care professionals. I have found an ah-mazing doctor in Dallas who will do the surgery. Next Thursday, I will be put under general anesthesia and 75% of my stomach will be laparoscopic-ally removed and I will be free of my 'fat girl inhibitions'. NO, this is not my easy way out. I will still have to maintain a high protein, low carb life style with enough water to sink the Titanic but I will be healthier, thinner, and happier. (I will also have to be 500% more active but the new treadmill I got for an early birthday present from the Parentals will help me get my life in gear!)
I'm excited to see what the future holds for me and my little family. I will continue to LOVE my job being a Tulsa Realtor. I'll just be a little (or a LOT) lighter!
Please pray for me, this is the first time I will ever have elective surgery and it's a bit unnerving. Also, please pray for the dear Hubs. I've only been able to have protein shakes, water, and a small piece of chicken everyday for the past week and will continue that way until my surgery next Thursday. I've been less than pleasant!
Sorry for what I said when I was hungry,
XOXO Summer
Enter 'vertical SLEEVE gastrectomy'. It sounds weird. But it's genius. I have had the blessing of supportive family, friends, and health care professionals. I have found an ah-mazing doctor in Dallas who will do the surgery. Next Thursday, I will be put under general anesthesia and 75% of my stomach will be laparoscopic-ally removed and I will be free of my 'fat girl inhibitions'. NO, this is not my easy way out. I will still have to maintain a high protein, low carb life style with enough water to sink the Titanic but I will be healthier, thinner, and happier. (I will also have to be 500% more active but the new treadmill I got for an early birthday present from the Parentals will help me get my life in gear!)
I'm excited to see what the future holds for me and my little family. I will continue to LOVE my job being a Tulsa Realtor. I'll just be a little (or a LOT) lighter!
Please pray for me, this is the first time I will ever have elective surgery and it's a bit unnerving. Also, please pray for the dear Hubs. I've only been able to have protein shakes, water, and a small piece of chicken everyday for the past week and will continue that way until my surgery next Thursday. I've been less than pleasant!
Sorry for what I said when I was hungry,
XOXO Summer
I'm ready for a new me!
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Wordless Wednesday
Nothing says Happy Birthday like personalized soap, y'all.
Scrub a dub dub.
XOXO Summer
Monday, May 29, 2017
Zink Park
There's a park in the heart of Tulsa's Brookside area that not a lot of people are familiar with. Bestie Dragon and I play tennis there a lot but I never knew it's secrets until Bestie Red took us beyond the tree line.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...... ZINK PARK!
Beyond the tacky jungle gym and courts lies this secret garden oasis.
That's crystal clear water y'all!
What have you explored today?
XOXO Summer
I'm all about simple. And cheap. And delicious. I've finally perfected the 15 minute spaghetti.
*We mostly shop at Aldi for our groceries. Our entire meal cost us $7.50 to make. For everyone!
Here's what you need:
-A package of ground turkey or beef.
- Envelope of Italian dressing seasoning
- Pasta (we LOVE this brown rice pasta! It's denser than regular pasta but has much better flavor and isn't slimy like regular cooked pasta)
-Jar of marinara sauce
-2 Bouillon cubes (if you want, I toss them into boiling water for pasta. I literally use whatever flavor I have on hand.
1. Boil water and cubes. Add pasta when water is boiling. It only takes 9 minutes. Also add olive oil as needed and stir. Pasta will stick of you don't. I always chew on a piece to know if it's done because appearance doesn't really change.
2. Brown meat with Italian seasoning. When it's browned add marinara and let simmer while pasta is cooking.
3. Toss strained pasta in olive oil. (It will stick. Seriously.)
4. You're done. You're welcome.
Peace. Love. Pasta.
XOXO Summer
Sunday, May 28, 2017
All Aboard Ollie's Station!
Here in the South we pride ourselves in local, family owned restaurants. The chicken fried steaks are bigger and the sweet teas are sweeter. It's just a fact of life.
If y'all ever make it to Tulsa, Oklahoma, boot scoot on over to the West side and visit Ollie's.
We had the breakfast buffet but they also have a full service lunch menu also. Adults can reasonably eat for under $10 and kids under $6.
We're members of the 'clean plate, seconds please' club.
If the atmosphere alone doesn't send you to your happy place, these pies sure as heck will.
Thank you, Ollies, for making my week! It was delicious!
Check out their website here:
XOXO Summer
Friday, May 26, 2017
Friday Five
Y'all! It's been soooo long! This is a 'beauty edition' so if makeup isn't your thing I won't shed a tear at you waiting for the next post.

1. Arbonne makeup primer. Oh-Em-Gee. It makes your face feel super smooth and fills in those scary facial lines I don't have the guts to Botox out. Yet. (Ordered from Arbonne, my best friend sells it. Link:
2. The SPF in this is legit. Husby took us to an Air Show last weekend and I slathered my face in it. Ironically I didn't get it right up to my hair line and I burned on the top 1/4" of my forehead. But everywhere else is golden tan. (Walmart special right there).
3. Stila Stay All Day foundation has changed my life! I have super oily skin and this is the right amount of coverage without feeling gross. Also if I need MORE coverage I have found I can do several layers if you will.....I feel like I'm blogging about icing. 😂 (Thank you to the sweet makeup guru at Ulta for helping me find my shade!)
4. Maybelline Color Tattoo Metal 24 hr Eyeshadow lasts all. day. I have two colors and I can blend them into a custom shade and it glides on with my finger. Once I apply it the cream sets in a matter of seconds. It's awesome! (Both purchased at the Walmarts)
5. It's a long story but I had a full blown sew in weave earlier this year. My stylist recommended this spray for my 'hair'. I found it in the ethnic section of a beauty supply store and I don't know if you can get it at Walmart but Amazon sells it. This stuff works wonders! I have my own natural hair now and I still use it every day. Prepare yourself. Your hair won't move a bit when it sets. I use it daily in Bee's hair and it stands up to most crazy active school days. Best part? It washes out with one shampoo. Can I get an amen?
It's Memorial Day weekend! I'll be showing houses all weekend and trying not to melt in this god forsaken Oklahoma heat. What are your plans?
Monday, May 8, 2017
Shrink Wrapped
GUYS! My life has been forever changed. I went through my closet this weekend and GOD BLESS my sweet Husby. He was quite a trooper helping me zip and squeeze into clothes my naive self thought still fit. I mean straight up stuffing sausage in a casing. I digress. I took every. single. piece. of clothing out my side of the shamelessly small space and loaded it on our bed. It was a mountain. Mt. Everest looked like a pea compared to it. I sorted til my little t rex arms couldn't take it anymore. And I had bigger piles than I started with. Sadly I chose to do this WITH my husband in the room so guess who 'doesn't need any more clothes' for a while? 🙄
I stared down the pile. It stared down me. (Is that grammatically correct?!) Fast forward four hours later I discover these gems at Walmart!
Guys. I crammed about everything I owned in TWO BAGS. IT WAS MAGICAL. Seal the bag. Use the vacuum to suck out air. BOOM.
Once I realized the capacity I had I dug deep in the hall closet for any and everything I could suck the air out of.
Even Husby got involved!
I only wish you had heard the squeals I made. Happy sucking my friends!
What will you shrink wrap today?
xoxo Summer
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Monday, May 1, 2017
New Pastures to Roam
I took a trip today. This was such a different one than what I used to take when I was little. Mama took me to the doctor because my hurt spots were on fire and making me so sick. We laid down and she held me and I couldn't help but close my eyes and go to sleep. I could hear her crying in my ear and telling me to go to Jesus. I tried so hard to stay awake. But I was so tired and hurt so much.
Funniest thing, I heard a man's voice whisper in my ear-- it sounded like singing and I shot back up. There were fields and creeks for miles. Everything was so bright and beautiful. Scooter was there! (He was my first friend!) My long lost sister, Sheeba was her crazy self too! And my Granddaddy Great the cookie man! And sweet Grandmother who always pet my face and loved to watch me gallop through the woods in Stillwater. When I got up I realized it didn't hurt to walk anymore. All my old lady hurt spots-- that's what Mama called them-- were gone! I was shiny and clean and all my hair had grown back! When grandmother reached down to pet me my side didn't tremor. I felt like a brand new puppy! What IS this place?
Just when I didn't think it could get any better a gentle spirited man walked up to me. Is this the Jesus man Mama always talked about? He smiled and reached down to hug me. I could feel my big long tail wag so hard it hit his back but I was so happy and he laughed. "Where is Mama? Where are my little people Rylie and Zacharia? I'm so confused!" Jesus rubbed my ears and I knew it was all going to be ok. "Don't worry precious Caddy. Mama's not here yet, her time will come. You did your watched over her during her hardest heart breaks, life changing moves, deaths and devastations. You helped her celebrate life, births and love. You've had a long, happy life. YOU, Cadillac, are the most amazing dog. And she misses you, but one day you will all roam the fields of this new place. Don't you know Cadillac? All dogs go to heaven?......"
Funniest thing, I heard a man's voice whisper in my ear-- it sounded like singing and I shot back up. There were fields and creeks for miles. Everything was so bright and beautiful. Scooter was there! (He was my first friend!) My long lost sister, Sheeba was her crazy self too! And my Granddaddy Great the cookie man! And sweet Grandmother who always pet my face and loved to watch me gallop through the woods in Stillwater. When I got up I realized it didn't hurt to walk anymore. All my old lady hurt spots-- that's what Mama called them-- were gone! I was shiny and clean and all my hair had grown back! When grandmother reached down to pet me my side didn't tremor. I felt like a brand new puppy! What IS this place?
Just when I didn't think it could get any better a gentle spirited man walked up to me. Is this the Jesus man Mama always talked about? He smiled and reached down to hug me. I could feel my big long tail wag so hard it hit his back but I was so happy and he laughed. "Where is Mama? Where are my little people Rylie and Zacharia? I'm so confused!" Jesus rubbed my ears and I knew it was all going to be ok. "Don't worry precious Caddy. Mama's not here yet, her time will come. You did your watched over her during her hardest heart breaks, life changing moves, deaths and devastations. You helped her celebrate life, births and love. You've had a long, happy life. YOU, Cadillac, are the most amazing dog. And she misses you, but one day you will all roam the fields of this new place. Don't you know Cadillac? All dogs go to heaven?......"
Earthbound: April 18, 2006
Heavensent: April 22, 2017
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