Wednesday, May 7, 2014

We all live in a yellow submarine...

So. I have been meaning to rant about this story for a while but life happened. 

Two 'educated' parents epically fail at an attempt to go  around the world in a sailboat. With TWO toddlers. And no one questioned their mental health. Or parenting. Seriously. 

Let me just say this. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions and whatnot. I get it. But COME on!

Clearly this was a suicide mission. I HAVE two small toddlers myself. They can't even handle being in a car together for a 20 minute ride to Target. You think they would make it 1 hour in a sail boat. In open water. With no Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or yard to run in? Doubt it. 

And the parents. Let's talk about that for a moment. What were they going to do for food? Or more importantly, wine? There is no way on God's green earth my Husby could get me in a confined space with just the four of us in a rocking 'house' for over a year with nothing to drink but water. I highly doubt the Pacific Ocean had a drive thru liquor store. Or Mc Donald's. (Someone should look into that....might be decent money in it....)

And lastly. Y'all what happens when someone's stomach is upset? Not just 'oh I need some mylanta'. I'm talking full on, 'clear the room, what did he eat' stomach issues. Like the ones that really test the strength of a marriage. Do you just throw that person overboard with a life preserver until it 'passes'? 

I feel like these people did NOT think this through despite their feeble attempts at explaining themselves.  Get it together people. Seriously. 

Hoping my children can handle being cooped up due to rain tomorrow (praise Jesus we don't have a boat!!)
XOXO Summer

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cheddar Coins

An amazing road trip this weekend with Besties means I'm cooking up a storm before hand! (Y'all know I gotta eat every hour!). I found this gem in my latest Good Housekeeping magazine. YUMMY! They are like cheesy, savory cookies-but NOT sweet!

Ready for the low down?

1 1/2 c flour
1 1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese
1 TB corn starch
1 tsp sugar 
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (I used chili powder)
10 TB butter, cold, cut into pieces-- you HAVE to use the real deal in this recipe!!

Combine everything but butter in food processor. When mostly combined, add butter cubes. Combine for 1-2 minutes, you'll know it's ready because a dough ball of cheesy, heavenly goodness will magically appear. 

Form into ball, chill for 2 hrs (or 15 mins in freezer). 

Roll dough into 1/4 in thickness, cut out and place on cookie sheet. I am cheap so I used a glass turned upside down as a cookie cutter. I used a silpat (EVERYONE NEEDS ONE!!) but parchment paper also works well in your cookie sheet.  

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. These cheesy guys don't rise, so watch carefully at around 13 minutes.

Happy eats!!
XOXO Summer