His name is PJ (Percy Jeffrey). He was one year old when he shuffled into my world. We instantly bonded. And by bonded I mean he escaped from his hamster ball in a chaotically unorganized pre-k classroom I was putting together last summer. There was panic. Mostly on my end (I assume). And some screaming. (Definitely on my end). Turns out, PJ feels right at home balled up in a kiddo cubby. Who knew?
PJ was supposed to live at school. But I felt bad for him during the weekends so I brought him home to Bee and Turtle.
Clearly the air-head in me thought this thru. Yes, he will have a calm, relaxing, quiet weekend at school. Let's take him on vacation every Fri-Sun at a place where toddlers HURL things across the room and shove sharp objects in small spaces. (Don't believe me? I just found toddler silverware in our AIR CONDITIONING VENT in the kitchen). Let's do it. PJ put on his game face. And sure enough, his poor cage was over turned in less than an hour.
He survived. And persevered. And in fact, he is still alive and kicking. Literally. (He has learned some hamster defense moves since moving into our living room).
And shockingly, he may only eat once or twice a week- I tend to forget he needs sustenance....only sometimes. Often. Whatever. He stashes food. And he still lives!!
Elmo, cat king, has established quite a relationship with him also. One would think a small rodent being in the presence of a morbidly obese feline would tend to shave months off of the small being. Adherently no. It's almost extended his life. I mean, he is now on THREE years. That's fantastic! Elmo talks to him daily. I'm currently researching hamster vitamins.
I end this rant with a wheel. A hamster wheel. I am convinced cardiovascular health is the key to PJ's longevity. No matter how rough his day, I hear him hauling his hind end off on that blasted hamster wheel. Seriously he runs it like he is in fire. If PJ were a person he would be competing in Ironmans and Olympic activities. I know the toddler snacks my Loves 'gently' shove in his cage aren't pills of youthfulness. It's gotta be the wheel.
Now I'm thinking. I know, hold into y'all's seats. Can I get a hamster wheel? How does one go about inheriting a person sized wheel?? Would I break my collar bone (again)? How fast could I go? What if my t-rex arms can't support me if I start to spin with the wheel? Maybe it's best I leave the wheeling up to PJ. After all, it's keeping the old guy alive!!!
What other animal toys can I use??
XOXO Summer