Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Eye Opener

Ever blink and your day is over?  Today went by so fast!  The fall weather likes to be all bipolar and not commit to a decent temperature. I sweated like a pig at a BBQ today. Also, I learned if you birth two babies in less than a year and teach toddlers how to do jumping jacks (4 years later) you WILL pee your pants. Not by choice. The struggle is real.

Sometimes I have trouble sleeping so I stumble around Pinterest and I came across this gem of a website. Then I dug deep and found her 'Open my eyes October' devotional and I love it. It has only been four days but already the Bible verses I have studied have been powerful and mind blowing. The genius part is they are only short verses- three or four lines- but they really seem to apply to my life right now. I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do!!!!

What did you read today?
YAY Jesus!

Monday, October 3, 2016

October brings new beginnings

Y'all. It's been so long since I've done his I almost forgot how. But I'm back. I miss my writing outlet and sharing funnies with the world! This past year has been quite a struggle. My marriage was on a scary slope of rocks, nose dives and he said she said throwing stars. Luckily Husby and I have had our 'come to Jesus meetings' respectively and I think we are going to be ok. We pray together, serve in our church together and have mandatory date nights every week. And it has changed our entire EVERYTHING.

Our two children started PreK this year so that has been a big adjustment. I'm teaching full time again  which I thought would be a blast but after being so successful in real estate I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I took a giant leap of faith with an AMAZING, prestigious and elite company which has launched my real estate career into overdrive! Teaching doesn't have that sparkle and happy feels like it used to. Now it's just screaming kids and 'is it three yet?' I hate coming home from school because then I deal with my OWN kids. I just want a happy balanced family. I'm so lucky real estate has given me that gift!  I can't wait to be able to do it full time.

Elmo is getting older. Fast. He is starting to show early stages of feline dementia. It's so sad. And gives me anxiety and panic. Life without him is nothing. I'm doing the best I can to keep him comfortable and happy. But he gets confused and scared  at night and just howls in the bathroom until I hold him. He forgets to eat and has lost his 'fluff'. And he drinks out of the shower. So strange. His sleeping  patterns are all off. But we will get through his.

My husband and I have really clung to the Lord to get us through these dark scary times. We are so lucky in how he has blessed us. We are finally able to crawl out of the rubble that was our crumbling battlegrounds of marriage and stand tall together.  We have God and each other and that's all we need.

That being said, I hope to start writing again. About everything. Jesus. Good food. Funny things. I hope you stick around to read them. I promise not to drop the ball as I did before I have more motivation now. And a sexy guy to help me get through life. :). It's super fun. I can't wait!

I love you all. Thank you for following me through my crazy blog journey!

Get ready for me to fall/craft/bake your bum off the next few days!
What's your fall favorite?