1. Selfie stick. Are you kidding me? TWO please.
2. A CASE of sour patch kids. Sam's Club, yall. Time to be proactive.
3. Three pairs of sunglasses. Three. I lose things. I break things. My own two children take better care of things than I do. I try. But I fail..... Better give me four...
4. Bacon anything. Bacon. Bacon flavored cookies. Bacon popcorn. A pig. I don't care. Just bacon.
5. Mary Kay waterproof eyeliner that comes in a pot. If I was ever on survivor I would totally bring that ish with me. It's thick and nothing gets rid of it. Think war paint. Or decent makeup for a sweaty mother of two kids, a hamster, three dogs and a bearded dragon and King Elmo.
6. Chap stick. I use that stuff so much it's like crack to me. I had a three hour procedure done at the dentist yesterday and I almost lost my shit bc my lips felt scratchy and numb and I couldn't 'moisturize'.
7. Benadryl. Sounds insane but hear me out. I'm like the Mexican version of my Big Fat Greek Wedding (windex). Watch the movie if u have no idea what I'm saying. Benadryl cures everything. Insomnia. The sniffles. Headaches. And they're pink. Everyone wins.
My birthday is October 25. Countdown starts now. Get shopping. :)