Wednesday, October 29, 2014

National Cat Day

Happy Cat Day, Yall! Go out and hug a kitty. It's life changing. (For some, also airway restricting. But God gave us Benadryl. So DO IT!). 

Love of my life: 

I. Can't. Stop. 

XOXO Summer 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tom's of Maine!

I'm still on this hollistic rant you guys. That being said, a friend in CA recommend I try Tom's of Maine products. I checked out their website and I was pleased with what I found. 

All of their products are made from naturally derived, God given earth elements. ( I know I sound like a flower child hippie, but near with me). 

I am sold! I can't believe how awesome it is! (TMI, I sweat like the Mexican that I am so I normally have to buy that Secret clinical strength business)....

I does take a bit to get used to at first. The product has to sort of absorb into your skin and it's almost like you put on too much gel deodorant and you are waiting for it to dry. It lasts a few minutes but it's worth it. 

I chose lavender because I thought I would like the calming scent. Turns out I looked like a weirdo all day smelling my underarms and sighing happily, relaxed. I'll have to work on that....

All day I never felt sweaty or smelled like I ran a marathon (which is ironic because o never ever have done any sort of athletic anything). I felt like I was wearing good ol regular deodorant. 

Then, came the TEST! I literally have to use a bar of soap in the shower soley to scrub my underarms to remove previous deodorant reside or shaving doesn't happen. If I don't use the soap my pits get sticky and gross.  (Isn't that so strange?). ANYWAY. This morning I had no problem using my regular Dove body wash and didn't have to resort to skin drying Dial! I know this is probably one of the weirdest things I've ever read by this is my shower struggle. And I loathe it. And now it's gone!!

Thank you Tom's of Maine for making my morning more manageable. I am now a solid customer!!

Next week, I'm trying their tooth paste!

Sweat free!
XOXO Summer

Monday, October 13, 2014


Yall. I am so in love. 

Elmo has been with me through thick and thin. 

Mostly us being thick.....

I love how his little cat toes are all flappy because he ripped out his 'claw suture glue' when he was a wee one after his declaw surgery. 

I love the way he always shoves his soft head in my face for a kissy. 

His smell is indescribably sweet, like strawberries, mainly because he sleeps in clean laundry (much to my Husby's dismay)...

And most importantly, I love the way he is always waiting for me every night when I get home from work. Such a faithful man. So endearing. An hairy. MMMMMMMM how I love Elmo. 

Who is your MCM?
XOXO Summer